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Grumbles, gripes, and why can't there be low calorie Gyros!

Morning lovelies,

Today is a lovely monday, which is sadly not my cheat meal day. Gah, how I wish it was! My regularly scheduled partner has me make her food every week when I do my meal prep, which works out awesome for me because I don't have to deal with temptations. Tonight we got split and I have a different partner who got a Gyro for dinner.... I miss Gyros! I am currently itching like a crack fiend. Lol, I ate my normal snack but it didnt cut it and while I am not hungry, Im HUNGRY. I keep talking myself down, because  I know while it wouldn't  really screw me up it wont help me get to my goal. So instead of doing my goals a disservice Im blogging.  So friends tell me, what is your food that catches you up?  How is your week going? Are you kicking ass at your goals?
